Comserv are active in our local Community with a strong ethic towards social causes. Please read our Charity and Community Case Studies for more details on some of our Social Value partnerships and Charity works. Our Charity Support includes:

  • Charity of the Quarter – for 2022/23 our staff voted to support two local charities: Ickle Pickles (who support the Neo Natal Unit at Queen Alexandra Hospital in Cosham) and Hannah's Holiday Home Appeal (who support families with children with a terminal illness).  Staff raised over £4,000 across the year through two Bake Sales, a Guess the Baby Competition, Sponsoring the Ickle Pickles Incubator Draw, a member of staff competing in a Triathlon, a Fishing Challenge, and a Christmas Raffle.   
  • Comserv were the official sponsor of Portsmouth Northsea Swimming Club for 2021 - this was part of the club’s Crowdfunding campaign to keep the club going following a year of pool closures and no competitive or fundraising events. Swimming is a vital life skill, with many mental and physical health benefits. We are proud to support this club which was suggested by a staff member.
  • We made a financial donation to Bosmere Junior School (based in Havant) towards 5 new picnic benches for the children, and we sent a team to assemble the benches onsite when they were delivered.
  • We regularly support staff who are taking on Charitable challenges by donating to their JustGiving sponsorship pages. Recent examples include an operative who completed the Macmillan Mighty Hike, and another employee arranged a charity golf tournament in support of Silver Fox dog rescue charity. We actively encourage staff to inform us when they sign up for Charity events, and praise these endeavours by featuring them in our monthly staff newsletter.